Julius (GustoArt) Hubbard

Julius Hubbard is a visual artist from Chattanooga, TN.  Since 2010 he’s operated a website called GustoArt.com. He’s produced countless works in both traditional and digital mediums. He specializes in socially abstract, surrealistic paintings; you'll see this most in his "Portrait Map" paintings. He's had artwork featured in many galleries: Hunter Museum and Betsey Smith Hall to name a couple. He’s currently married and has two beautiful daughters. He also works as a firefighter for the City of Chattanooga.

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Julius Hubbard

Gusto Art




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What's New?

GustoArt.com will be represented at AVA's Member Salon Show!!! Come out Oct. 29 for Opening Night. Pieces will be on display until Jan. 5th. 

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